Las Vegas, Nevada;  September 12, 2003

L-R:   Buddy, Angel, Bong, Evar and Romy.  Picture was taken at the entrance to 'The Venetian', one of the newer and more glamorous hotel/casinos in the Las Vegas 'Strip'.  Venice, Italy is the hotel's motif, and is reflected in its architecture and an indoor canal complete with gondolas and singing boatmen.

L-R: Buddy, Romy, Bong, Angel and Evar.  This was taken at one of the fountains inside Caesar's Palace Forum Shops.  The hotel's theme is the glorious Roman Empire, with its emperors, gladiators, gods and goddesses.  The statue at the center of the fountain is Bacchus, god of wine in classical mythology.  At regular intervals, this statue moves in its rotating pedestal, and delivers a monologue about drinking. 

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